What to Expect During Your First Visit

New Puppy

First and foremost, congratulations on your new family member! Our veterinarians and veterinary staff look forward to meeting your new puppy and helping you take care of him/her along the way.

When you come to our Overland Park animal clinic for the first time, our goal is to make your puppy’s first visit as joyful as possible. Here’s what you can expect during your first veterinary appointment:

  • Complete physical exam: Your puppy will be thoroughly examined from head to tail while we look for any possible congenital conditions.
  • Fecal evaluation: he or she will be checked for gastrointestinal parasites. We will microscopically examine your animals stool after a fecal floation to check for various parasites. These parasites can range from roundworms and hookworms, to giardia and coccidia.
  • Training guidance: We will offer tips and tricks to help you with house training and other training needs.
  • Husbandry and care: We will offer specific advice on how often your puppy be bathed and groomed, how much he or she should be fed daily, what type of food is best for your life long companion, and more.

New Kitten

Congratulations on your purrfect little companion! We can’t wait to meet your new best friend!

During your first visit to our clinic, we will do our very best to make both you and your kitten as comfortable and fear-free as possible. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Complete physical exam: Your kitten will be thoroughly examined from head to tail while we look for any possible congenital conditions and assess his or her general wellness.
  • Fecal evaluation: Your kitten will be checked for gastrointestinal parasites. We will microscopically exam your animals stool after a fecal floation to check for various parasites like roundworms and hookworms.
  • Husbandry tips: While you’re here, we’ll discuss a number of health-related topics with you. We’ll offer our best advice about what type (and amount) of food you should feed your new kitten, what type of litter is best to use, how many litter boxes should you have at home, and how many hugs per day you should give!
  • Appointments Now Available

    Welcome to Companion Care Veterinary Clinic. Thank you for stopping by! We are open for business Monday-Saturday, and appointments are available! We look forward to meeting you and providing your pet with compassionate care while meeting their medical needs.

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